Sale Horses
All our horses offered for sale are located in the U.S., based out of L’Acadiane Equine in Plainville, Massachusetts. During the winter, our dressage horses are available for trial in Wellington, FL.
Looking for Your Next Import?
Vincent’s early career with breeders and young horses has translated into a skill for spotting promising jumper prospects. With his innate knowledge of conformation and breeding, as well as deep connections in the European horse world, Vincent has imported more than X horses from Europe that have gone on to have successful show careers with competitive amateur owners.
Sale and Lease
Hunters, Jumper, Equitation, Dressage Horses
2016 Dutch Warmblood Mare. She is currently showing 1.20m with a professional and doing the .80m with an Amateur. She is so sweet both on the ground and under saddle! She always gives you her best! Would be a great horse for a kid who is transitioning from ponies to horses. Easy clean lead changes, also suitable for the Hunter ring!
Idesto aka Edward is an 11 yr old Dutch Warmblood Gelding currently competing in the jumper ring but would also excel in the equitation ring. He has been shown by amateurs and professionals. He is ready to bring his rider up through the levels and is as laid back as it gets on the show grounds. He has show experience throughout New England. Edward takes care of his rider and always brings you to the jump. Beautiful, scopey canter and an easy lead change.
Jolie is a 13.3 H Welsh Pony. She is currently showing in the .65m -.80m with a child. Jolie is a beautiful dapple grey with lots of personality. She takes care of her rider but does have a bit of sass (no buck, bolt, or rear) as all ponies do!! Would also make a good eventing pony as she does have dressage training! Great opportunity for a child to grow with!